find and purchase cultural travel, lifestyle, and landscape stock images from around the world for your next project

join the community to share all things related to cultural travel and photography


Images are available in digital download format.

Choose from hundreds of travel and cultural stock images to include in your next web site design, blog post, print or digital content project. 

No subscription necessary. Just pick the images you want to use and plop them into your shopping cart and when you are finished shopping, just go through the simple checkout process.

Use the search bar above or the GALLERIES drop down menu in the top and bottom navigation bars of the site to find images.

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Feel free to comment on images as you browse – it’s great to know what people think, or what can be done differently the next time out shooting.

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Not seeing the images that you need? Have questions about licensing? Use the Contact page to make an image request. I’ll see if there is something in the library that hasn’t been edited yet.

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If you would prefer to purchase these images through Alamy, you can reach my portfolio by clicking here. Not all of the images I have here are over there.


A Community for and about Travel and Photography and is for anyone – artists, professionals, students, or armchair travelers – who loves to travel and document their journeys and daily lives through photography.


Photographers To Know: Edward S. Curtis
History Of Photography | Photography

Photographers To Know: Edward S. Curtis

Hopi Grinding Grain, c.1906, by Edward S. Curtis Edward Sheriff Curtis, an American photographer and ethnologist, lived from February 19, 1868 when he was born on a farm near Whitewater, Wisconsin until he passed away from a heart attack at the home of his daughter in Los Angeles on October 19, 1952. His photography is known under the […]

Road Trip: Vancouver

Road Trip: Vancouver

What an odd image to feature in a post about a first visit to Vancouver, British Columbia, eh? I had always wanted to go up to Vancouver but for some reason it had just never happened. It seemed so complicated to get to Canada – because travel up the coast, or valley, across three states, […]

The Importance Of Studying The History Of Photography
History Of Photography | Photography

The Importance Of Studying The History Of Photography

… As a photographer, or anyone that is interested in making or collecting photographs. It’s kind of weird to write about this. But we live in a much different world today than we did when I went to art school to major in the craft. Many people today make their first camera purchase, usually a […]

Photo Of The Day: Three Royal Chairs In Bondage In Black And White
Black/White Photography | Photography | Travel

Photo Of The Day: Three Royal Chairs In Bondage In Black And White

Black and white images are becoming a new old obsession for me. When I was a young photographer, I only shot in black and white – rarely color. Everything and anything that had light falling on it was fair game as subject matter for a black and white photo back in the day. Fast forward […]


I have never traveled because someone tried to sell me a destination. I’ve chosen my destinations to travel to because someone told me a good story or tall tale about their experience there, or they showed me a few of their magical and personal photographs. I’m attracted to a place because it’s an important contemporary art center or historical in some art or cultural or archaeological or spiritual way and often the experience of being in a landscape also inspires me while the deeper mystery of a destination is what pulls me there.

That’s what I try to share with my readers of this site.

— Kimberly Kradel, photographer and publisher

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Artists, Writers, Photographers, Musicians, Performers, Creatives … it’s probably our intense curiosity about life that drives us to move about on the planet. Our need to experience the revitalization of Self attracts the artist in us to the road or the rail or the skies. In a way, traveling is very similar to the creation process – both are taking a leap into the unknown.

Within our travels we find the discovery of a new place, a new language, a new taste, a new way of seeing, or find new work methods that will ultimately, profoundly affect our work.

ARTIST-AT-LARGE is here to inspire and encourage you to open the door and step out into an unknown world – to transform – even if it is only by experiencing your own neighborhood.

The focus here is first and foremost selling images, but it’s also on presenting cultural travel writing and photography, bringing together travelers and photographers, and when we aren’t traveling we share our everyday lives, studio work and musings, as well our cultural walkabouts around our homelands.

You do not have to like the work on the site to be a part of the Community. You only have to be willing to participate.