ARTIST-AT-LARGE.COM and IMAGES.ARTIST-AT-LARGE.COM (IMAGES@ARTIST-AT-LARGE). All rights reserved. Any person is hereby authorized to view and/or print any page on this web site subject to the following conditions:

This web site may be used for informational purposes only and may be viewed for personal use only. Any copy of this site or portion thereof made for personal use must include this copyright notice.

Artist and Photographer Copyrights

Respect an Artist’s, Writer’s, and/or Photographer’s copyright.

The artists, writers and photographers who publish their work on the site retain the full copyright to their work, both written and images.

ARTIST-AT-LARGE has been given permission to publish work by the artist and writers and through that permission is given the right to protect the copyright for the artists and writers on the site.

Copy of text snippets, for the purpose of making it easy to quote our written words in online and print articles for promotional purposes, is allowed.

Should you use a snippet of text to quote something from the site, please contact the site administrator with a link to the story.

All written material, photographs, digital images, and creative files in this web site are used under license or by agreement by ARTIST-AT-LARGE, and are available to any person for the express purpose of viewing the web site.

This does not give the viewer permission to copy or steal the content in any way.

All physical written material, photographs, digital images, and artwork is owned solely by the individual artists represented here and are subject to United States and International copyright laws.

No written material, photograph, image or portion of any written material or image, may be reused without the express written permission of the artist, photographer, and/or writer of the piece in question.


The ARTIST-AT-LARGE community is protected by the copyright of the artist or writer.

You own your own words and images. 

ARTIST-AT-LARGE does not own the content within the community, but does what it can to protect the content. If original work is posted in the community, it is up to the artist or writer to keep copies of said work for their own archives, and the artist is responsible for their own copyright protection within the community.

About this Web Publication

ARTIST-AT-LARGE owns .com. ARTIST-AT-LARGE is provided ‘as is’ without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Edits and changes are periodically added to the information within the web site; these edits and changes will be incorporated in new editions and updates of the publication.

ARTIST-AT-LARGE may make improvements and/or changes in the products and/or the programs described in this web publication at any time. This web publication may contain forward looking information that involve risks and uncertainties and may differ materially from actual future events and results.


ARTIST-AT-LARGE is not responsible for any actions taken by its readers, nor is it responsible for anything that happens to its readers while they are traveling, such as: loss of property, theft, sickness, and/or injury to self or others. ARTIST-AT-LARGE is not responsible or liable for the products bought and sold through any Affiliate/Sponsor/Partner of ARTIST-AT-LARGE.